Call for applications: Nigerian English Language Assistants to teach in France

Are you a Nigerian French-speaking student?

Would you like to become an English Language Assistant in France for 7 months?
From now until the 25th of February we are accepting applications for the position of English language assistant to work in France during the 2022-2023 school year.

• Who is eligible?
• How to apply

Who is eligible?
1. Candidates must be NIGERIAN citizens. Permanent residents are not eligible.
2. Candidates must be between 20 and 35 years of age at the time of taking up their positions.
3. Candidates must have completed their secondary education in NIGERIA.
4. Candidates must be enrolled at any NIGERIAN university at the time of application.
5. Candidates must have completed at least two years of university studies.
6. A minimum Level B1 in French is required.
7. Candidates must be native English speakers.
8. Candidates should preferably be single, as the salary of an assistant is not adequate to support dependents.

How to apply
The registration is online :

Pre-selected candidates will be contacted for an interview (physical or online) in one of the following locations depending on the city closest to your place of residence: Abuja (Institut français du Nigeria) and Alliances Françaises in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Enugu Kaduna, Owerri, Ilorin, Kano, Jos or Maiduguri.

➡️ For more information, click the link below:

For any questions, contact us at :

Dernière modification : 28/01/2022

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