A summit on sport and sustainable development for Games with commitment and purpose [fr]

France will host the world’s largest event for sports, associations, institutions and the media, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, from 26 July 2024. The Games offer a unique opportunity to bring together participating nations and unite them around the common agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

As a driver of unity and inclusion, sport contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – particularly in the areas of education, health, gender equality, peace and social cohesion. Major international sporting events are therefore an ideal way of promoting achievement of the SDGs.

The Sport for Sustainable Development Summit will take place against this backdrop on 25 July 2024, the day before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Games. Organized by the French Presidency and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and supported by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Summit presents a unique opportunity to bring together Heads of State and Government, leaders of international organizations, athletes and representatives of the sporting movement, and development finance stakeholders.


The Summit will present initiatives that set an example in five key areas: education and employment, health and nutrition, equality and inclusion, financing and impact measurement, and sustainability and legacy. It will also invite the countries and institutions in attendance to take action for future generations.

Impact 2024: sport for sustainable development

Paris 2024 and the AFD are helping athletes to drive change in France and Africa through the “Impact 2024” incubator, which uses athletes’ skills, values and commitment to foster the emergence of long-term projects with a high social or environmental impact.
Twenty-six projects were selected in 2023, bringing the total number of projects supported since this initiative began in 2021 to 52.

To find out more:

The aim of the Summit is to capitalize on the Paris 2024 Games’ power, in terms of unification and media focus, to raise societal awareness and mobilization. As pointed out by Christophe Dias, Sports and Development Officer at the AFD, “sport is an accelerator of solidarity-based investments with a lasting impact”. By bringing nations together around this shared objective, our Games will work towards a better future with commitment and purpose.

Find out more and follow the Summit live on 25 July from 17:00 (Paris time) via Sport for SD and on social media using the hashtag #Sport4SD.

Read the press release here

To find out more:
Through the “Sports #BeyondTheGame” campaign, discover 24 projects financed by France that are harnessing sport for sustainable development all over the world.

Dernière modification : 30/07/2024

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