The Third French Schools Abroad Week (18-22 November 2019) [fr]

This year’s French Schools Abroad Week will have the theme “From preschool through to the Baccalaureat, French education is a path to success”.

Many events in schools in our global education network, coordinated broadcasts and publications on social media will highlight the vibrancy, quality and cohesion as well as diversity of French schools across the globe and the value of the education they offer.

With nearly 500 establishments in 137 countries and 350,000 pupils from kindergarten to secondary school, France has the biggest network of schools abroad of any country.
On every continent, families from France and many other nationalities choose a French education.

Sponsored by Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister for National Education and Youth, the 2019 French Schools Abroad Week puts a spotlight on the opportunities for success offered by French education abroad from preschool to the Baccalaureat.

You can find the open houses, social and sporting events, and cultural, civiv and educational projects planned in a schedule of the week’s events on the AEFE website and an interactive map of events.

The French Schools Abroad Week

Dernière modification : 18/09/2020

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